Gabriele Oswald Project Management Office

Hello, get in touch with us, we will be happy to help you.

The Unstoppable

Our proven breakthrough strategy for projects in a crisis.

A crisis project or portfolio jeopardises the success of the company, your career, your private life and your health.


Frustration, fear and confusion in a project crisis are normal, but they don’t have to be. We show you a way to simply refocus on your task, lead your project out of deadlock and get everything flowing again.



The Unstoppable Momentum

In the course of our 30 years of project experience, we have realised that the classic craft of project management alone is not enough to successfully implement projects. It requires a holistic, individual and sustainable approach based on the cornerstones of vision, inspiration, structure & order, network & communication and leadership – The Unstoppable Momentum.



The Human Factor

The implementation of universal principles and laws as well as the understanding of human thinking, feeling and behaviour play a decisive role. By combining these factors with classical project management, project implementation at the highest level becomes possible.



All In The Flow

The Unstoppable Momentum – the moment when things start flowing and a smooth and purposeful process becomes possible. A clear vision, inspiring leadership, effective communication and networks, a structured working environment and competent leadership make project implementation simple, easy and effortless.

Our expertise is trusted


5 Success Factors


Have you ever wondered why some teams are successful while others go round in circles?

A clear project vision is the key. It provides clarity and determination – the clearer, the less doubt. A vision describes a future state to which a person, group or organisation aspires and serves as a gravitational point for individuals and teams to be focused on long-term success. Clear visions lead to determined leaders and focused teams that work faster and more successfully.


Inspirational moments motivate individuals and teams, increase creativity and focus on what inspires – important factors in solving problems and achieving goals.

New thoughts, concepts or experiences can make a person more creative, productive, motivated and open up new perspectives. Continuous inspiration strengthens the momentum and helps to get through deep, long-lasting crises not only unscathed but strengthened.

And Network

Open and transparent communication avoids misunderstandings, builds trust, enables feedback and lets teams work together constructively. 

Communication directs attention and helps to focus energies and concentration. Focus emerges – a prerequisite for efficiency and progress. In a strong network, a broader expert base emerges. Resources and know-how are shared and changes are responded to more flexibly. Conflicts and problems are recognised and solved at an early stage. Major problems do not arise in the first place. Teams and organisations are more productive, innovative, flexible and adaptable.

And Order

A clear structure and order creates clear processes, responsibilities and an efficient, flexible and productive working environment.

Clarity and understanding of work processes and tasks are increased. Confusion and misunderstandings are avoided. Conflicts and problems are reduced. Energies of those involved are directed in the desired direction. Rhythm can emerge. Problems and deviations are recognised at an early stage, thus minimising disturbances and obstacles. A tidy environment creates calm, clarity, focus, well-being and concentration. The human brain is relieved. Stress is reduced.


A strong leader creates a vision, orientation and direction and inspires and promotes cooperation, creativity and innovation in the team. Employees feel valued and can develop to their full potential. 

Strong leadership creates a culture of motivation and commitment in which employees are willing to take responsibility and give their best. The potential and strengths of each individual are recognised and promoted. Leadership means making quick and clear decisions, taking responsibility and ensuring progress. Trust and credibility with customers and business partners is created, a prerequisite for new business opportunities.

mova consult GmbH. The Unstoppable Momentum. Our proven breakthrough strategy for projects in a crisis.

»Tailor-made solutions for diverse customer requirements.«

mova consult

Unstoppable Momentum
with the right partner

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