Project Manager
Training Academy

Global Tier1
Head of Project Management and Head of HR
Analysis, concept, planning and implementation of a PM academy; training & certification of global project staff.
ongoing since 2017
1. Training & certification of all PM personnel (PM DIR, senior PMs, PMs and junior PMs) and line organization managers in Europe (worldwide optional).
2. Achievement of next level in PM; significant reduction of project escalations and elimination of business critical project crises.
Project management is a core competence for the customer in his project-oriented organisation. Increasing expectations of products go hand in hand with higher demands on project performance. To meet these demands, a project management academy was developed. The academy offers training and certification to improve project management.
Through a comprehensive analysis of the current project management by means of surveys and expert assessments, the starting point was determined. On this basis, a concept and training content were developed.
Through cooperation with the partner PM Lead, international certification according to IPMA/GPM was made possible. The training was successfully conducted by selected trainers from PM Lead and Business Quest in all European locations. The majority of participants successfully completed the certification.
It is worth mentioning that the trainings were held in trainer tandem (PM methodology and behaviour), that line organisation managers were trained synchronously and that the program was also extended to central functions such as HR.