Simone Schmidt

Head of the training department
Development and coordination
of trainings
Supervision of participants and trainers
Experienced trainer and coordinator of trainings with compelling communication skills, interpersonal skills, structured approach, and strong cultural and linguistic versatility
Competence Profile
- Experienced trainer in the field of languages and IT
- Active in the field of further education for over 20 years
- Experienced managing director and sales manager in the IT training sector
- Intercultural competencies due to international orientation (Japan, China, South America and USA)
Many years of experience and mature knowledge in the field of training and continuing education in various areas. Extensive experience in further education in the IT sector; extensive international experience through stays and professional assignments in Spain, China and the USA. Extensive competences in general management and within the tasks of a successful business management
German – native speaker
English – business fluent
Spanish – business fluent
French – business fluent
Japanese – basic knowledge